Miami New Times: Orlando do Campo has “a reputation as one of Miami’s best criminal defense attorneys.”
An Excerpt from an Article Written for the Miami New Times
Article: “A 14-Year Neighborhood Feud Involved Restraining Orders, Spells, and Jail Time”
Orlando do Campo was a Harvard Law School grad with the demeanor of a bulldog, a proclivity for swearing, and a reputation as one of Miami’s best criminal defense attorneys. In late 2008, he received a call from Mark Cantor, who told a strange tale: He’d been arrested three times and banished from his home because of allegations by a former police officer who lived across the street.
Cantor said he wanted to go to trial to fight the charges, but his current lawyer had told him it would be a mistake. As an Anglo accused of threatening and harassing a Hispanic family, Cantor wouldn’t get a fair shake in Miami, where the judge and jury would likely be Hispanic, the lawyer said; he suggested Cantor make a deal.
Cantor disagreed. He asked do Campo to take a look at the case.
In truth, do Campo was used to frying bigger fish. As a federal public defender, he had helped fight charges brought by the U.S. government against the Cuban Five, who were accused of espionage. And he had worked on the case of José Padilla, accused of aiding Islamic terrorists. Now in private practice, do Campo preferred to work on a small number of high-profile federal cases.
Cantor’s tale, however, sounded unusual. He agreed to read through the files.
Flipping through the pages, he grew perplexed. The plea agreement Cantor had signed after his second arrest stipulated Cantor could not sue Willy Alvarez.
Do Campo had never seen state prosecutors grant an individual that kind of immunity. It was routine for police departments to demand legal protection in plea bargains, but Alvarez had already retired from the Miami Police Department when that deal was formulated.
Do Campo called Cantor the next day. “This is bullshit,” he said in his signature rasp.
“So, will you take the case?” Cantor asked.
“Yeah,” he said. “You’re being railroaded.”